Hūlili Vol. 11, No. 2
978-0-87336-365-5Regular price $20.00
Edited by Bryan Kamaoli Kuwada
Vol. 11.2 offers seven research articles themed around momona, or abundance, in fields such as ethnomathematics, epigenetics, sociology, oratory, curriculum development, and more. It also features a tribute to Richard Kekuni Blaisdell, MD, a Kanaka Maoli leader who epitomizes multidisciplinary thinking and practice. Following the passing of Dr. Blaisdell in 2016, longtime colleagues and ‘ohana were asked to contribute recollections and mana‘o based on their pilina with Kekuni. A previously published article by Kekuni, entitled “I Hea nā Kānaka Maoli? Whither the Hawaiians?” is also included. The result is a powerful collection of essays and scholarship honoring not only a great aloha ‘āina, but also the lāhui that Kekuni Blaisdell worked tirelessly to elevate.
Features artwork by Kahealani Mahone-Brooks.
Hūlili is a multidisciplinary forum for current research that examines the nature, needs, and strengths of Kānaka Maoli and Native Hawaiian communities. Through collaboration and critique, Hūlili fosters new connections and shared insights to mobilize greater Hawaiian well-being.
Softcover. 2019. 7 x 10". 338 pp.
ISSN 1547-4526
Visit our Hūlili page for a free downloadable version of this volume and our other Hūlili offerings. Also available on Ulukau.