Hawai‘i Island Legends: Pele, Pīkoi, and Others (revised edition)
978-0-87336-243-6Regular price $14.00
Edited by Mary Kawena Pukui
Retold by Caroline Curtis
Illustrated by Don Robinson
Winner of the 1996 Ka Palapala Po‘okela Award of Excellence in Illustration
This revised edition features favorite legends of the goddess Pele, hero Pīkoi, and other mo‘olelo of the island of Hawai‘i. Suitable for reading to younger children and for independent reading by older children and adults. Originally published in 1949.
About the Authors and Illustrator
Mary Kawena Pukui is a preeminent Hawaiian author, translator, chanter, kumu hula, and songwriter. Born in Ka‘ū, Hawai‘i in 1895, Pukui spent her childhood with her Hawaiian grandmother, absorbing the language, lore, and lifestyle of her people. Pukui coauthored the Hawaiian Dictionary and more than twenty other publications. She is the sole author of ‘Ōlelo No‘eau: Hawaiian Proverbs and Poetical Sayings.
Caroline Curtis is a noted storyteller and author of seven children’s books on Hawaiian subjects. Born in Adrian, Michigan, Curtis studied under folklorist Martha Warren Beckwith and later taught Hawaiian culture at Hanahau‘oli School in Honolulu.
Don Robinson was born and raised on the island of O‘ahu. His artwork has been featured in local galleries, and his illustrations have appeared in numerous children’s books.
Softcover. 1996. 6 x 9". 250 pp.
eBook available for IOS and Kindle.
Visit Ulukau for a free downloadable version.
Join local actor/writer Sean-Joseph Choo for homegrown storytime on E Heluhelu Kākou! now playing on YouTube.