He Ka‘ao no Hauwahine lāua ‘o Meheanu / A Tale of Hauwahine and Meheanu (bilingual)
978-0-87336-204-7Regular price $15.00
Written and illustrated by the students and teachers of Ke Kula ‘o Samuel M. Kamakau
A stingy fisherman learns generosity the hard way when he is approached by two beautiful women, Hauwahine and Meheanu. Unaware of the women’s true identities, Kanakapī spares them only a few fish but quickly learns the error of his greedy ways and the deeper meaning of taking only what is needed.
About the Authors
This book was written and illustrated by K–1 students and their teachers from Ke Kula ‘o Samuel M. Kamakau Hawaiian language immersion school. The story was developed to create meaningful connections between the students and their two outdoor learning sites, Nā Pōhaku o Hauwahine and Ka Loko I‘a o He‘eia. The process included visits to the actual locations where the legends took place and talk-story sessions with folks from the area.
Ke Kula ‘o Samuel M. Kamakau is a K–12 Hawaiian language immersion school. Its mission: Ka mālama ‘ana i honua mauli ola i waiwai i ka ‘ike a me ka lawena aloha o nā kūpuna i mea e lei ai kākou i ka lei o ka lanakila—to foster success for all members of our learning community by providing a culturally healthy and responsive learning environment. The school carries the name of Samuel Mānaiakalani Kamakau (1815–1876), a noted Native Hawaiian scholar, genealogist, historian, teacher, and legislator who chronicled traditional Hawaiian culture and thought.
Hardcover. 2008. 9.5 x 9.25". 40 pp.
Visit Ulukau for a free downloadable version.
Watch the animated story on Lau Nehenehe now playing on ‘Ōiwi TV and on YouTube!